Completed Projects
Silverthorn Pumping Station Reservoir
Mississauga, Ontario | Completed September 2022
Scope of Project:
The work involved expanding the Silverthorn Pumping Station water facility by constructing a new Pump Station Building between existing Generator & Existing Pump Station Facility. New Pump Station complete with new Pump room, basement, and electrical room. Relocation of water mains and electrical duct banks was done to accommodate the expansion. Shoring and caisson systems were installed to support existing infrastructure.
The work also Included:
Installation of high lift pumps and retrofitting of existing pumps
Replacement of High Voltage Primary Switchgear
Demolition and removal of existing equipment after commissioning of new area
No interruption to the existing station and infrastructure during testing and commissioning
Britannia LPS, O’Neil / Shardawn Mews SPS Upgrades
Mississauga, Ontario | January 2021
Scope of Project:
The project involves upgrading three existing live sewage pumping stations (Britannia LPS, O’Neil SPS, and Shardawn SPS) in Mississauga. Long-term bypass systems were provided at each site for completing upgrades in the wet well and sewage pump stations. The bypass systems included duty pumps (electric and/or diesel), standby pump, temporary generator, and auto-dialer for 24/7 monitoring.
The work also included:
Britannia SPS:
Installation of dewatering system and slide rail shoring system for safe excavation of new precast meter chamber
Installation of underground force main and drain piping from metering chamber to existing wet well
Shardawn Mews SPS:
Installation of slide rail shoring system and new emergency precast storage chamber in limited space within residential roadway
Installation of precast sewage grinder manhole over live sewage
Foxboro WWTP Upgrades
Baden, Ontario | Completed December 2018
Scope of Project:
The project involved refurbishing the Foxboro WWTP Biological Contactor Treatment Trains and providing short-term bypass systems for effluent pump replacement. Demolition of existing components in the RBCs was done in phases, followed by retrofitting of each RBC tank and installation of pre-purchased MBBR systems.
The work also included:
Provide precast Prefab Odour Control & Electrical Builds
Electrical & Instrumentations
SCADA upgrades/ SAT testing/ Commissioning & Performance Testing
Waterloo WWTP Maintenance Building
Waterloo, Ontario | Completed July 2018
Scope of Project:
The project involved the removal and demolition of existing equipment, building structures, and a portion of the reinforced concrete foundation at the abandoned Influent Pumping Station. Additionally, a maintenance building was constructed on the same site. It also featured a mezzanine, aluminum siding for the exterior finish, a crane rail system with a hoist, HVAC, plumbing, and building electrical systems.
The work also included:
Installation of new underground water lines, sanitary sewers, and storm sewers to serve the new building
Adjustment of site grading to accommodate the construction of the building and a new driveway.
Incorporation of a crane rail system with a hoist in the maintenance building
Mill Street and Carl Crescent WWPS
Completed in 2017
Scope of project: Â
Setup Bypass System to bypass flow to complete retrofits and upgrades
Remove existing lid of wet well chamber and replace with new
Remove all internals (process piping, pumps, electrical, etc)
Installation of temporary structures, controls and power for control and operation of pump stations during the entire construction period 24/7
Demolition and removals (architectural, structural, mechanical, process, instrumentation, and electrical) of buildings
Excavation including rock breaking to 11.5m deep beside existing live pump station
Construction of new sanitary sewers and manholes including tie-ins to existing force mains at both pump stations
Construction of new buildings including concrete, masonry, access platforms, ladders, roof, piping & valve assemblies, HVAC, Electrical, etc
Commissioning and training for equipment installed at both pump stations
Binbrook Library
Completed in 2017
Scope of Project:
Demolition of existing 3000 square foot Binbrook library
Construction of 6000 square foot library
New sewers, gas lines, sanitary and water-main
Asphalt paving and landscaping
MacNab Transit Station
Completed in 2012
Scope of project:
Construction of new Transit Terminal in Downtown
Demolition of existing road, structures, retaining walls, curbs, sidewalks and canopy shelters
Construction of counterfort retaining walls
Concrete ramp rehabilitation
Site landscaping and irrigation system
Seaway Waste Water Treatment Plant
Completed in 2011
Scope of Work:
Construction of upgrade and & expansion of wastewater treatment plant
Construction of 3 new primary clarifiers, pump gallery, new headworks building, and inlet channel with associated equipment
Retrofit of existing aeration tank including installation of outlet gates & fine bubble aeration system
Installation of air pipeline between existing headworks & aeration tanks
Upgrade of existing chlorine chamber from storm water chlorination
Commissioning and performance testing of all equipment supplies and installed
McVean Sewage Pump Station
Completed in 2008
Scope of Project:
- Construct new sewage pumping station
- Construction of new concrete biofilter c/w associated equipment, chambers, steam generators, pumps, and piping
- Construction of Force Main and sanitary sewers with associated manholes and temporary sewage pumping to bypass the 1500mm sanitary sewer during construction of 1650mm sanitary sewer
- Watertightness testing
- Demolition of existing pump station
- Site restoration